
Faut-il aller chez le dentiste pendant la grossesse ?


Being pregnant can be a very exciting, but also stressful time, for many reasons. Physical and hormonal changes, often accompanied by nausea and fatigue, are only some of aforementioned reasons that can make pregnancy a sometimes trying time. Many patients ask if it is safe to visit the dentist while pregnant. The answer is a [...]

Faut-il aller chez le dentiste pendant la grossesse ?2023-04-27T02:22:20+00:00

Le chewing-gum sans sucre peut améliorer votre santé bucco-dentaire


Chewing gum isn't only about freshening your breath. While that certainly is one benefit, especially depending on what you’ve had for lunch, did you know chewing sugarless gum can also prevent cavities and improve your oral health?Chewing Gum Increases Saliva Flow and Prevents CavitiesAccording to the American Dental Association (ADA), studies show that chewing sugar-free gum [...]

Le chewing-gum sans sucre peut améliorer votre santé bucco-dentaire2023-04-27T02:24:44+00:00

Cinq conseils pour entretenir votre brosse à dents


Taking care of your toothbrush is an important part of maintaining proper oral health. An old tooth brush won’t be able to do its job if its worn out and broken. At Downtown Montreal Dentistry in Montreal, we encourage patients to practice excellent oral hygiene habits at home to help prevent complex dental issues from developing. [...]

Cinq conseils pour entretenir votre brosse à dents2023-04-27T02:27:57+00:00

Des collations saines qui sont étonnamment mauvaises pour vos dents


Eating healthier is a goal many of us have, but there are a number of foods that, while good for our bodies, are surprisingly bad for our teeth. Here are some foods that are surprisingly harmful to your oral health (along with some tips to help minimize damage). Oranges and Grapefruits Citrus fruits are [...]

Des collations saines qui sont étonnamment mauvaises pour vos dents2023-04-27T02:30:21+00:00

Utilisation efficace de la soie dentaire : quoi, pourquoi et comment


Have any of our hygienists told you that your gums looks inflamed and you have plaque between your teeth?Have you ever wondered how you managed to get dental plaque in spite of brushing twice a day? If yes, then you might be missing an essential oral hygiene habit, flossing!Flossing is one of the most important [...]

Utilisation efficace de la soie dentaire : quoi, pourquoi et comment2023-04-27T02:35:08+00:00

Qu'est-ce que la parodontite ?


What is Periodontitis? Periodontitis, or gum disease, is an infection of the gums that surround your teeth. It is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults. Because the disease can occur without any pain or obvious signs, it is not always easy for a person to tell if they are affected. [...]

Qu'est-ce que la parodontite ?2023-04-27T02:46:14+00:00

À quelle fréquence devriez-vous aller chez le dentiste pour un nettoyage et un examen des dents ?


How often should you go to the dentist for a teeth cleaning and exam? This is a question that our patients frequently ask. The short answer is that it depends on a patient’s individual needs and risk of oral diseases. The long answer requires a bit of information about why we recommend the exams and why [...]

À quelle fréquence devriez-vous aller chez le dentiste pour un nettoyage et un examen des dents ?2023-04-28T01:57:09+00:00

Comment gérer un accident dentaire


A dental accident or trauma involving a front tooth can be a stressful thing to happen to anyone. These types of injuries can take on many forms and are surprisingly common. Some studies suggest that up to 1/3 of adults and children will have an incident in their lifetime. In this article we will discuss some [...]

Comment gérer un accident dentaire2023-04-28T02:06:29+00:00

Cinq questions et réponses courantes sur les couronnes dentaires


Since crowns are one of the more common restorations that people need on their teeth, we are regularly asked the question, “Do I really need a crown?” It is a completely fair question that we encourage you to ask. We strongly feel that with any dental or medical treatment, you should be fully aware of [...]

Cinq questions et réponses courantes sur les couronnes dentaires2023-04-28T02:13:00+00:00

Attention : mise à jour technologique au bureau du Dr Seminara


I am pleased to announce a technology update that we hope will improve the patient experience at our office. Starting this week we will be using email and text messages to send out automated confirmations and reminders for our patient’s appointments. It is my job to be sure that all of our patient’s contact information [...]

Attention : mise à jour technologique au bureau du Dr Seminara2023-04-28T02:20:23+00:00
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