Downtown Montreal Dentist

Cinq faits sur les caries dentaires


Preventing cavities is one of the main reasons people visit the dentist. In this post, the team at Downtown Montreal Dentistry will present some basic facts about cavities, and what you can do to prevent them. Cavities are not always holes Many people think of a cavity as a hole in your tooth. It's [...]

Cinq faits sur les caries dentaires2023-04-27T01:45:06+00:00

Les 5 meilleures raisons d'apprendre la RCR


There has never been a better time to learn CPR. Take a moment to read the top 5 reasons why you should learn this basic life-saving skill. The team at the clinic taking our annual ACLS training, given by the Heart and Stroke Foundation 1. Cardiac Arrest affects many people. Cardiac arrest [...]

Les 5 meilleures raisons d'apprendre la RCR2023-04-27T02:11:19+00:00

Faut-il aller chez le dentiste pendant la grossesse ?


Being pregnant can be a very exciting, but also stressful time, for many reasons. Physical and hormonal changes, often accompanied by nausea and fatigue, are only some of aforementioned reasons that can make pregnancy a sometimes trying time. Many patients ask if it is safe to visit the dentist while pregnant. The answer is a [...]

Faut-il aller chez le dentiste pendant la grossesse ?2023-04-27T02:22:20+00:00

Le chewing-gum sans sucre peut améliorer votre santé bucco-dentaire


Chewing gum isn't only about freshening your breath. While that certainly is one benefit, especially depending on what you’ve had for lunch, did you know chewing sugarless gum can also prevent cavities and improve your oral health?Chewing Gum Increases Saliva Flow and Prevents CavitiesAccording to the American Dental Association (ADA), studies show that chewing sugar-free gum [...]

Le chewing-gum sans sucre peut améliorer votre santé bucco-dentaire2023-04-27T02:24:44+00:00

Attention : mise à jour technologique au bureau du Dr Seminara


I am pleased to announce a technology update that we hope will improve the patient experience at our office. Starting this week we will be using email and text messages to send out automated confirmations and reminders for our patient’s appointments. It is my job to be sure that all of our patient’s contact information [...]

Attention : mise à jour technologique au bureau du Dr Seminara2023-04-28T02:20:23+00:00
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